Tristan is about to turn fifteen. He enjoys the good life his parents have built for him. And yet, it won't be long before his environment of protection, affection and comfort crumbles. From then on, he will learn the taste of loneliness, sadness and that survival is often more important than life.
Fernando Ramallo
Lucía Jiménez
Luis Cuenca
Isabel Otero
Joel Joan
Vicky Peña
Jordi Bosch
Alma Rosa Castellanos
Muntsa Alcañiz
Orestes Gas
Robert Jeantal
Eloi Yebra
Jesús Bonilla
Ramón Barea
Alicia Hermida
Fernando Vivanco
Isidoro Fernández
Concha Doñaque
John Hopewell
Antoine Duhamel
Janfri Topera
Antonio Manzanares
Alfredo Cerrato
Juan Feuerriegel
Laura Rúa Conde
Cristina Espinosa
Marciano De la Fuente Rodríguez
Luchi López
Bárbara de Lemus
Salva López
Rosario Martín
Galia Martínez
Amalia Rodríguez
Guillermo Rodríguez
Roberto Almazán
Darío Paso
Jonás Trueba
Adrián Muela
Daniel Rodriguez
Olmo León
Sergio de la Torre
Santiago Segura
Mário Rodríguez
Sergio Anguita
Farshid Afsharian
Juan Díaz