A World War II historical drama and the sequel to the 1970-71's film series Liberation. The film reflects the following events of World War II: the capitulation of Friedrich Paulus's Sixth Army as a result of the failed assault on Stalingrad during Operation Blue in 1942; the preparation for revolt in Slovakia; negotiations of the Polish communists with Władysław Sikorski's government over their joint struggle against fascism; the creation of a National Committee of the Domestic Front in Bulgaria and preparation by underground workers-communists for armed revolt; expansion of the guerrilla (partisan) movement; the failure of a German attempt to destroy People's Liberation Army of Josip Broz Tito; one of the largest military operations, Bagration; the beginning of the liberation of Poland; creation of the Polish National Government in Lublin; the Warsaw Uprising; the capitulation of Bór-Komorowski and defeat of the Polish patriots; the entry of Soviet and Polish armies into Warsaw.
Mikhail Ulyanov
Mircea Șeptilici
Yevgeni Matveyev
Vasili Lanovoy
Stefan Getsov
Viktor Avdyushko
Bohumil Pastorek
Horst Preusker
Yakov Tripolsky
Lubomir Kabakchiyev
Boris Belov
Peter Stefanou
Vladlen Davydov
Károly Ujlaky
Miklós Benedek
Anton Gorchev
Violeta Bahchevanova
Valentin Kazanskiy
Stanisław Jaśkiewicz
Naum Shopov
Fritz Diez
Gerd Michael Henneberg
Horst Gill
Pavel Popandov
Valentin Gadzhokov
Zlatko Pavlov
Nikolai Ouzounov
Zbigniew Józefowicz
Edward Linde-Lubaszenko
Jerzy Turek
Constantin Fugașin