The story of a talented yet self-destructive soccer player in Greece. Based on the novel of the same name by Menis Koumandareas, the film narrates the life and works of Vassilis Seretis, a young, unknown, poor, but talented and ambitious football player, who dreams of conquering the pitches. The hero is willing to give everything and suffer whatever it takes in order to conquer the football world. With his talent as his only weapon, he tries to define his destiny, on a route from Thessaloniki, to Volos and from there to Athens. With him, we taste the mud of the fields, the loneliness of the countryside, the "sold out" matches, but also the ephemeral glow of success. Pantelis Voulgaris signs a film that left an era, as, in addition to its original directorial perspective, it outlines the phenomenon of Greek football in a poetic and at the same time realistic way.
Themis Bazaka
Stratos Tzortzoglou
Stamatis Tzelepis
Kostas Kleftogiannis
Zano Danias
Nikos Tsachiridis
Maria Georgiadou
Nikos Bousdoukos
Thanasis Mylonas
Giannis Hatzigiannis
Stavros Kalaroglou
Eleni Tsaligopoulou