Paris, France, 1979. Rose, a rebellious orphaned teenager, and Michel, a young aspiring painter, enjoy their crazy love under the neon lights of the decadent nightclub Le Palace, where they establish an ambiguous relationship with Lucille and Hubert, two bohemian bourgeois who will change their lives.
Isabelle Huppert
Galatea Bellugi
Melvil Poupaud
Lukas Ionesco
Alain-Fabien Delon
Nassim Guizani
Judith Zins
Manal Issa
Brian Scott Bagley
Benoît Soles
Rupert Wilmot
Marc Citti
Régine Moidon
Jacky Nercessian
Julian Eggerickx
Hugo Dillon
Dora Diamant
Zoé Schröter
Nabil Mendes
Annabel Isitt
Jérôme Brière
Eve Bitoun