Several people disappear from and at the sea. Their bodies are found gnawed to the skeleton, even the marrow is missing. The scientists have no idea which animal could do such things. Dr. Turner begins to suspect that the company which builds a tunnel beneath the bay might have poisoned the environment and caused an octopus to mutate to giant dimensions...
John Huston
Shelley Winters
Bo Hopkins
Henry Fonda
Delia Boccardo
Cesare Danova
Alan Boyd
Sherry Buchanan
Franco Diogene
Marc Fiorini
Helena Mäkelä
Claude Akins
Alessandro Poggi
Roberto Poggi
Giancarlo Nacinelli
Consolato Marciano
Philip Dallas
Leonard Lightfoot
John White
William Van Raaphorst
Joanne Van Raaphorst
Patrick Mulvihill
Janet Myers
Kristin M. Brekke
Janet Raycraft
Kenneth Lundeen
Rita Real
Alan Scharf
Ross Gordon
Ron Shapiro
Joseph Johnson
George Montage