A haunting and visually stunning fairytale that blends the horrors of fantasy and the real life historical events of colonization and Indian Boarding Schools in the United States. A Native American girl in the 1700s and a Native American boy in the 1960s struggle to find their way back to a home that may be lost forever.
Norma-Sue Hill
Shohnáhose Davin Bomberry
Carter Simon
Jenna Clause
James Levesque
Harrison Stewart
Tara McLearnon
Christina Vernucci
Cheryl De Luca
Dallas Fuller
John Homer
Talon White-Eye
Gavin White-Eye
Dexter Jimerson
Lenny James Anderson
Jeremy Proulx
Louis Knapaysweet
Nellie Kabestra
James Aaron Peters
Melissa Redsky
Colton Clause
Gavin Graham Wade Bomberry
Sydney Bomberry
Aidan Davey
Tehanenhrakhas Green
A.J. Hill
Brenden Hill
Jaelyn Hill
Alexis Johnson
Dezlin Johnson
Macy Brooke Martin
Miranda Blair Martin
Tehokwaritathe Sunny Bear Martin
Aleena Skye
Heaven-Leigh Thomas