The acclaimed drama based on Dalene Matthee´s award-winning novel. "Fiela se Kind" (Fiela's Child) is the story of a white foundling boy that is raised by a brown family. But the childs life changes irrevocably when white census officials discover him living across the established borders of society, and he is removed from his foster parents. "This is the moving story about a close family being torn apart by the social convictions of the day. It is the story of a mother´s enduring love and hope to see her taken son again. Fiela is a down to earth woman farmer who does not let anyone step on her. She raised a white castaway child, Benjamin, and teaches him the simple things in life."
Shaleen Surtie-Richards
André Rossouw
Lida Botha
Dawid Minnaar
Jan Ellis
Marchelle Verwey
Annie Malan
Limpie Basson
Isobella Bosman
Goliath Davids
Hermien Dommisse
Ernst Eloff
Alex Heyns
Schalk Jacobsz
Jacques Loots
Dalene Matthee
Gamiet Petersen
Gerrit Snyman
Flip Theron
Cobus Visser
Louw Verwey
Ted Whitehead
Kamalie Kamalodien