A Theatrical Documentary Synopsis "Inside Hana's Suitcase", is the poignant story of two young children who grew up in pre-WWII Czechoslovakia and the terrible events that they endured just because they happened to be born Jewish. Based on the internationally acclaimed book "Hana's Suitcase" which has been translated into 40 languages
Jindřiška Hanušová
Linda Drexlerová
Daniel Hájek
Karim Tarakji
Nikol Fischerová
Radek Koula
Peter Poldauf
Alice Laksarová
Karolína Brošová
Alena Dlouhá
Jana Hanáčková
Oxana Anton
Pavel Ira
Jakub Kuča
Raphael Hadler
Vanessa Biermannová
Natálie Čupáková