Based on the true story of Benjamin Prufer and Sreykeo Solvan. The unexpected and uncertain love story of Sreykeo, a 21 year old bar girl in Phnom Penh and Ben, a young German student traveling to Cambodia on a post graduation summer trip. When Ben returns home to Germany he discovers that Sreyko is sick and he takes on the responsibility to save her. On the way he discovers a world where not everyone is dealt the same cards and where motivations are not always pure.
David Kross
Apinya Sakuljaroensuk
Stefan Konarske
Jens Harzer
Anne Müller
Michael Ostrowski
Marie Jung
Lucile Charlemagne
Wanda Badwai
Julia Primus
Constanze Becker
Olli Dittrich
Gilla Cremer
Anatole Taubman
Charly Hübner
Mario Adorf
Jan Niklas Berg
Houn Pilot
To Savan
Srey Thoy
Pisey Hak
Chanthoun Kien
Siyan Hout
Rotanak Oudom
Kwanlar Nyirady
Tan Srey Neth
Rith Volak
Tol Kunthea
Hout Sithorn
Chab Kola
Ok Sokha
Daniel Nocke
Rasmey Kep
Cheamney Sorvan
Haik Zarian
Danich Kouy Chan
Ben Tan
Tarinee 'Aoi' Thaima
Wenka von Mikulicz
Sarin Kath
Paul Oberle
Chniny Chhing
Phich Bun Ly
Em Boun Nat
Mary Wilson
Michael Glawogger