Theatre of War is an essay on how to represent war, performed by former enemies. British and Argentinian veterans of the Falklands war come together to discuss, rehearse and re-enact their memories 35 years after the conflict.
Marcelo Vallejo
Lou Armour
Rubén Otero
David Jackson
Gabriel Sagastume
Sukrim Rai
José Luis Aparicio
Mathias Arosemena
Santino Ariel Baldi
Martin Bourdieu
Jim Bush
Mora Corbet
José Cruz
Guillermo Dellepiane
Vinicius Fonseca
Agostina Lucía Gorini
Marcos Krivocapich
Esteban V. La Madrid
Santos Lee
James Love
Eon Matthews
Walter McAuley
Melina Montes de Oca
Santiago Nader
Francisco Nishimoto
Kate O'Connor
Estefanía Orlandini
Claudio Provenzano
Manuel Ruderman
Erika Telchert
Julián Thompson
Facundo Vallejo
Fabián Volonté