Shooters is a drama documentary film, directed by Dan Reed for Suspect Device Films. The film is set in Liverpool and used local criminals as actors depicting the lives of local 'gangsters'. It is most notable for having been completely unscripted apart from a brief outline; each scene was improvised and ad-libbed by the actors themselves.
John Wayland
Desmond Bayliss
Franny Bennett
Paul Attah
Christopher Scully
Stephen Condon
Ricky Rowe
Shakira Jones
Cheryl Varley
Ali Awad
Andrew Winrow
Mark Sweeney
Tariq Rahman
Flossie Kofi
Lynsey France
Michael Dasent
Arran C. Coghlan
Paul Johnson
Wayne Beswick
Anthony Warde
Tommy Warde
Chris Nolan
Steve Waddington
Steve Donavan
Paul Wan
Carly O'Hare
Carl Seaton
Lillian Gorman
Charlene Wayland
Natalie Clark
Janet Kenny
Tanya van Rooy
Ann Seaton
Ciaran Varley
Yinka Olateju
Cassie Olateju
Frank Bennett
Les Walker
Bobby Kewley
Walla Ainscough
Che Varley