The story revolves around Hans, a kind-hearted but not particularly bright young man. He is bored on his father's farm. He would love to see something of the world and find a woman to marry. So he sets off and wants to visit his grandmother at the same time. However, the route takes him right through the fairytale land of the Brothers Grimm, where he meets various characters from their stories: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Mother Hulda, the Brave Little Tailor, Puss in Boots, Master Pfriem and, finally, Father Death. The latter is a little under the weather and the unsuspecting Hans helps him back on his feet.
Eva Habermann
Olaf Ittenbach
Thomas Goersch
Charles Rettinghaus
Sonya Kraus
Dustin Semmelrogge
Anne Alexander Sieder
Melody Bayer
Günther Brandl
Christiane Dollmann
Vanessa Eichholz
Stefan Gilly
Nina Fischer
Sascha Goldbach
Martina Kundinger
Constanze Lindner
Alfonso Losa
Marina Lötschert
Mika Metz
Julia Nika Neviandt
Markus Pauli
Vlasto Peyitch
Thomas Pill
Gerhard Polacek
Micaela Schäfer
Leonie Reiter
Anouschka Renzi
Martin Semmelrogge
Christian Sklous
Annika Strauss