The untold story of the essential, genre-defying ‘90s industrial project Circle of Dust. Explore the early career of visionary artist, composer, musician and producer Klayton, who would later gain recognition for his category transcending project Celldweller. Assembled from over 30 interviews and dozens of hours of VHS footage from Klayton’s personal archive, get access to never-before-released videos & stories on the history of Circle of Dust. Journey back to Circle of Dust’s inception, the signing of Klayton’s first record deal, assembly of a live band, subsequent legal battles and eventual dissolution of Circle of Dust in 1998, to the formation and independent success of Celldweller. The story ultimately comes full circle, with the resurrection of Circle of Dust in 2015.
Daren "Klank" Diolosa
Jason Tilton
Brandon Ebel
Tyler Bacon
Mark Salomon
Kurt Bachman
Vin Syrek
Daniel "lvl" Levler
Bruce Fitzzhugh
Jeff Bellew
Mike Bax
Bruce Moore
Amy O'Neal
Alex Parker
Josh Money