The Ultimate Fighter 27 Finale (also known as The Ultimate Fighter: Undefeated Finale) was a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship that was held on July 6, 2018, at the Pearl Theatre in Paradise, Nevada, part of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The featherweight and lightweight finals of The Ultimate Fighter: Undefeated took place at the event. A middleweight bout between Brad Tavares and Israel Adesanya headlined the event.
Israel Adesanya
Brad Tavares
Mike Trizano
Joe Giannetti
Brad Katona
Jay Cucciniello
Alex Caceres
Martin Bravo
Roxanne Modafferi
Barb Honchak
Alessio Di Chirico
Julian Marquez
Montana De La Rosa
Rachael Ostovich
Luis Peña
Richie Smullen
John Gunther
Allan Zuñiga
Bryce Mitchell
Tyler Diamond
Steven Peterson
Matt Bessette
Gerald Meerschaert
Oskar Piechota