Stuck on the peripheries of the film industry, a struggling grad student named Erik comes to the realization that his thesis film should be about a grad student named Erik coming to the realization of what his thesis film should be.
Erik Anderson
Juan Arce
Amnon Buchbinder
Shannon Currie
Alison Duke
Kyle Gatehouse
Alain Goulem
Mikel Guillen
Jillian Knowles
Victoria Laberge
Tristan D. Lalla
Shaista Latif
Alison Louder
Danette MacKay
Jennifer Miller
Franco Nguyen
Leni Parker
Vladimir Paskaljević
Deborah Perry
Nicholas Porteous
Anand Rajaram
Matthew Raudsepp
Andrew Shaver
Shaina Silver-Baird
Lauren Spring
Matthew Toth
Anders Yates