"Home for the Holidays" is the third stand-alone two hour Christmas special of the "Murdoch Mysteries" that first aired on December 18, 2017 on CBC, followed by a second airing on December 25, 2017 in Canada. Murdoch and Ogden travel to Victoria, B.C. to visit Murdoch’s brother, RCMP officer Jasper Linney. There, they investigate a murder connected to an archaeologist Megan Byrne who has uncovered an ancient Indigenous settlement, leading to a trek through the rugged beauty of British Columbia and encounters with the Songhees and Haida nations. Meanwhile, the Brackenreids are offered a surefire investment opportunity that may not be all it seems. At the Station House, Crabtree and Higgins prepare for a ski-chalet holiday in Vermont with their girlfriends Nina and Ruth, but learn it may be more dangerous than expected.
Yannick Bisson
Helene Joy
Thomas Craig
Jonny Harris
Lachlan Murdoch
Arwen Humphreys
Siobhan Murphy
Erin Agostino
Bea Santos
Aiden Bushey
Megan Follows
Dylan Neal
Kate Hewlett
Simon Baker
Jim Treliving
Hattie Kragten
Marin Stephens
Jake Epstein
Wayne Charles Baker
Trevor Carroll
Sphenia Jones