The king orders viscount Florestan to take mademoiselle de Solanges for his wife. But the viscount doesn't know the young lady at all. The latter decides to seduce her future husband by introducing herself to him with the name Veronique...
Jean Desailly
Marina Hotine
Jean Marchat
Pierre Bertin
Denis d'Inès
Roland Armontel
Noël Roquevert
Arlette Accart
Sylviane Aladin
Paul Barge
Henri Coutet
Max Dalban
Arthur Devère
Lucien Guervil
Sophie Leclair
Yette Lucas
Albert Malbert
Christiane Mayo
Daniel Mendaille
Jane Morlet
Mila Parély
Gisèle Pascal
Philippe Richard
Maurice Schutz
Made Siamé
Jean Témerson
Paul Villé
Janine Zorelli