Having lost his physician's license, Dr. Louis Krantz joins a gang of hoods to treat their wounded. When his son falls ill and needs expensive medical help, Louis decides to participate in a hold-up with the gang. Unfortunately for them, the robbery goes wrong. The gang boss, persuaded that Louis has betrayed them, decides to gun him down.
Raoul de Manez
Georges Randax
Anne-Marie Mersen
Roger Dutoit
Eva Bovy
Lucienne Colbrant
Pierre Comte
Gaston Derblay
Patrick Domain
Gérard Dournel
Léon Garny
Jean Gerardy
Suzanne Gohy
Ivan Govar
Adelin Hamel
Marcel Loma
Christine Luca
Martial Préal
Jacques Prévot
Gaby Saint Maux
Gérard Viller
Liliane Vincent