Upon their arrival in Flat Oak for a semi-centennial celebration, renowned shootist Mance Dixon and his friend Clabe run into a surviving victim of a vicious vigilante group known as The Tramplers. Offering her protection once in town, matters become complicated when a con artist posing as a mythologic killer lends his services to a large cattle baron heading the hired killers. After further run-ins with a demented family and a trio of scalphunter brothers, all roads lead back to Flat Oak for an inevitable massacre that will forever alter the fate of the once-peaceful town.
Joseph Paul
Todd Risby
James Allen Brewer
Mary Faith Tomlinson
Dominic Olivo
Edward Keyani
David Cordoni
Jeanne Young
Scott Van de Mark
Steve Tanabe
Boynton Paek
Brooke Milos
Mario Gianni Herrera
Joseph Camilleri
Dick Raley
Trent Avvenire
Bryan Wilks
John Bramhall
Derek Crowe
Michael Fredianelli
Heather Ann Hall
Lukas Stoiber
Emily Chau
George Hope
Rich Gonzales
Jim Woodbury
Alan Zeichner
Ernest Vestito
Carl Collanus
Chad Ellis
Wilcox Ekenta
Sami Yousif
Michael J. Gwynn