In May 1997, Tim Taylor, creative force behind the beloved Dayton, Ohio rock weirdos BRAINIAC, was on the verge of his band signing to a major record label when his life was cut tragically short by a freak accident. He was 28 years old. Devastated, his family, friends and fans were forced to pick up the pieces. This film explores the history and legacy of Taylor and one of the 90s most original bands.
Fred Armisen
David Yow
Melissa Auf der Maur
Matt Berninger
Cedric Bixler-Zavala
Stuart Braithwaite
Jim O'Rourke
Gregg Foreman
Michelle Bodine
Scott McCloud
John Schmersal
Tyler Trent
Eli Janney
Linda Taylor
Corey Rusk
Juan Monasterio
Tim Taylor
Steve Albini