The Security Guard Center sets the stage for this drama that stars Mamoru Shinomiya, a newly-hired emergency responder. Together with his brilliant colleagues, all of whom have colorful personalities, they tackle one emergency after another with flying colors and restore the safety and security of their clients and the public.
Kento Nakajima
Chiaki Kuriyama
Kei Tanaka
Kendo Kobayashi
Keiko Horiuchi
Iwahashi Genki
Sakamoto Satsuki
Sakamoto Mitsuki
Masahiro Kobayashi
Soji Izumi
Atsuko Takahata
Goki Maeda
Rina Kawaei
Kanon Tani
Naoto Nishimura
Rino Tochihara
Baijaku Nakamura
Takaya Kamikawa