The story of The Satanic Temple, a controversial movement that combines religion and activism with the apparent purpose of questioning the basic foundations of US society.
Nicholas Crowe
Malcolm Jarry
Lucien Greaves
Jesper Aagaard Petersen
Jex Blackmore
Jay D. Wexler
Sadie Satanas
Lynita Killen
William Morrison
Eve Vulgaris
Shiva Honey
Mason Hargett
Detryck von Doom
Michelle Shortt
Lanzifer Longinus
Chalice Blythe
Stu de Haan
Jason Rapert
Kevin Kruse
Hollow Axis
Siri Sanguine
Kym LaRoux
America Darling Curl
James McNaughton
Rick Scott
Fred Phelps
Anton LaVey
Billy Graham
Chris Edmonds
Cecil B. DeMille
Charlton Heston
Eric Greitens
Penny Lane