This documentary examines the life and work of the late fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent, recounting how a frail prodigy prone to bouts of depression became an icon of the fashion world. Initially appointed head of the House of Dior in 1957 before growing into a globally recognized designer in his own right, Saint-Laurent overcomes his struggles with substance abuse, accumulating a large art collection alongside his lifelong personal and professional partner, Pierre Bergé.
Pierre Bergé
Yves Saint Laurent
Betty Catroux
Loulou de la Falaise
Jack Lang
Frédéric Chambre
Boujemaa Lahbali
Catherine Deneuve
Laetitia Casta
François de Ricqlès
François Curiel
Lionel Gosset
Antoine Godeau
Randy Jones
Carla Bruni
Bernard Buffet
Linda Evangelista
Mick Jagger
Zizi Jeanmaire
François Mitterrand
Nicolas Sarkozy
Andy Warhol