Qarmouti builds a graveyard for his ancestors, and makes it a paid tourists attraction; this causes him lots of problems with the government. Meantime, a journalist videos an antiquities smuggling operation and the tape ends up with Qarmouti who finds himself chased by the smugglers.
Ahmed Adam
Dina Fouad
Mai Selim
Salah Abdallah
Walid Fawaz
Bayoumi Fouad
Maher Essam
Mohamed Abu Dawood
Hamdi Heikal
Mohamed Younis
Hamada Samaida
Mahmoud Hafez
Essam Omar
Samir Gawhar
Dodo Ayman
Abdulhameed Sanad
Ibrahim Saeed
Mustafa Roshdi
Rashad Roshdy
Hani El Eriny
Mohamed Adel
Saeed Samara
Amr Mcgyver