Based on a novel by Jean-Claude Izzo, this melancholic movie focuses on three sailors being the last remaining crew members on their ship which is aground in the harbor of Marseille. After the owner has sold the "Aldébaran", only the Lebanese captain Aziz, the Greek Diamantis and the Turk Nelim are stuck on the boat for a lack of prospects. Aziz doesn't want to return to his wife, Diamantis tries to find a girl he left at the age of 20 and Nelim, young and foolish, just wants to have fun...
Bernard Giraudeau
Marie Trintignant
Audrey Tautou
Darry Cowl
Miki Manojlović
Sergio Peris-Mencheta
Nozha Khouadra
Bakary Sangaré
Ivan Franěk
Miglen Mirtchev
Maryline Even
Moussa Maaskri
Véronica Novak