Vigo is a nerdy teenage boy who lives in a fictional world and simulates a virtual game called “Gooseboy,” which enables him to become free as a flying bird. One beautiful day, to the surprise of the boy, a goose accidentally bumps into his balcony. It appears that the gander can speak human language, but sadly he is not able to fly. Vigo and the goose embark on a journey to the north and try to find and catch up with the gander’s flock.
Thomas Refslund Ravn
Frida Luna Roswall Mattson
Nicolas Bro
Søren Malling
Rasmus Bjerg
Dario Campeotto
Caroline Henderson
Michael Wikke
Steen Rasmussen
Ulrich Thomsen
Marie Dalsgaard
Peter Andreas Lützen
Chang II (Chapper) Kim