The life story of a salt-of-the-earth Irish immigrant, who becomes an Army Noncommissioned Officer and spends his 50 year career at the United States Military Academy at West Point. This includes his job-related experiences as well as his family life and the relationships he develops with young cadets with whom he befriends. Based on the life of a real person.
Tyrone Power
Maureen O'Hara
Robert Francis
Donald Crisp
Ward Bond
Betsy Palmer
Philip Carey
William Leslie
Harry Carey, Jr.
Patrick Wayne
Sean McClory
Peter Graves
Milburn Stone
Erin O'Brien-Moore
Walter Ehlers
Willis Bouchey
Ken Curtis
Tom Hennesy
Martin Milner
Mickey Simpson
Harry Tenbrook
Jean Moorhead
Chuck Courtney
Robert Ellis
Ron Nyman
Jack Pennick
Raoul Freeman
Dona Cole