The dashing but arrogant Prince Michael Fedor Lubimoff has to flee Tsarist Russia after falling into disgrace and settles in Monte Carlo, where he resumes his life of debauchery while World War I ravages the fields of Europe… (Partially lost film; reels 3 and 9 of a total of 11 are missing.)
Lionel Barrymore
Alma Rubens
Pedro de Cordoba
William H. Thompson
Gareth Hughes
Gladys Hulette
William Collier Jr.
Paul Panzer
Mario Majeroni
Jeanne Brindeau
Clara Bow
Betty Bouton
Ivan Linow
Louis Wolheim
Evelyn Arnold
Maxina Arnold
Constance Berry
Arline Booth
Clara Bow
America Chedister
Claire de Lorez
Dorothy Dinsmore
Margaret Dumont
Annette Earle
Lou Gorey
Beatrice Keen
Joan Le Monte
Mary Mackintosh
Adolph Milar
Marion Moorehouse
Polly Nally
Mademoiselle Narcita
Mae Opreska
Peggy Raymond
Jessie Reed
Addie Rolf
Nellie Savage
Marie Shelton
Helen Stewart
Vivian Vernon
Edna Wheaton
Virginia Whitehead
Helen Lee Worthing