A Gang Violent Mexican Movie were two bands fight for their territory, honor and glory. The Bikers vs. The Punks, Neither of both bands hesitate in killing whoever is in front of them, raping their teachers and killing at sight. They don't respect fathers , women or children. Spikes, Hammers, Knives and guns for their purpose they use. Trashiness at it's best.
Fernando Almada
Norma Herrera
María Rebeca
Humberto Lobato
Claudia Zavala
Raúl Araiza
Gerardo Vigil
Malú Reyes
César Sobrevals
Honorato Magaloni
Mario del Río
Gerardo Viola
Andrea Haro
Carlos Rotzinger
Rubén Recio
Roberto Cabrera
Carlos González
Susana Contreras
Flavio Peniche
Antonio Camacho
Carlos Puente