This is a fictional love story with the 1856 Handcart Pioneers as the backdrop. Sam Hunter, falls for a Mormon Pioneer woman, Abigail, as she is moving west. As the pioneers stop in his town of Iowa City, he pretends to desire joining the Mormon Church to show his love for Abigail. As hardships prevail, his faith is tested on their way to Zion.
Jaelin Petrie
Stephanie Albach
Chris Kendrick
Shannon Skinner
Gretchen Skinner
Joel Bishop
Scott Christopher
Darin Andersen
T.J. Bishop
Junior Case
John English
Lee Fobert
Jeffrey Hanson
Lincoln Hoppe
Kameron Jensen
Nikolas Mikkelsen
Robert Perry
Julie Sapp
Caitlin E.J. Meyer
Dhylan Meyer
Danielle C. Ryan