

The student, Rifle, has managed to seduce his professor's wife, Bomber, an average working guy, has bought a factory and Bullet, the casino lover, is hiding from creditors. They all share a common path and conscription. In the army they teach you that everything must be smart and in order - cockades, straps and all, otherwise you're not fit to call yourself a person, you're a maggot. For a real man, there's no better place than the army.

Pyotr Korshunkov


Mikhail Petrovsky


Stanislav Duzhnikov


Viktor Pavlov

(генерал Талалаев - «Батя»)

Aleksandr Belyavskiy

(Rear Admiral)

Juozas Budraitis

(Aviation General)

Sergei Artsybashev

(Козаков - прапорщик)

Vladimir Shainskiy

(Veteran General)

Ivan Okhlobystin

(Counterintelligence Agent)

Roman Kachanov


Misak Gevorkyan

(One of Aliev Brothers)

Vladimir Maysuradze

(One of Aliev Brothers)

Mikhail Vladimirov

(Staff Sergeant Lavrov)

Sergey Gabrielyan

(Private First Class Galagura)

Aleksey Salpanov

(Junior Sergeant Lavrov)

Dmitriy Nezhivoy

(Bread Slicer Gaziyev)

Aleksey Panin


Egor Garanin

(брат «Пысы»)

Ivan Agapov

(дядя Витя)

Vladimir Smirnov

Nikita Loginov

(майор Шкатов)

Oleg Pashchenko

(Military Commissar)

Olga Lysak

(Praporshchik's Wife)

Yelena Voronchikhina


Dmitriy Mukhamadeev


Alla Sannikova


Oksana Stashenko

(1st Widow)

Yuliya Andreyeva

(2nd Widow)

Irina Gordina

(3rd Widow)

Vladimir Sychev


Nikolai Leshchukov

(Captain Merzoyev)

Andrey Batukhanov

Natalya Panova

(Dean's Wife)

Aleksandr Dedyushko

(Patrol Supervisor)

Oleg Kassin


Denis Yasik

(1st Conscript)

Aleksandr Matveyev

Daniil Belykh

(Medical Assistant)

Nina Persiyaninova


Valery Troshin


Sergey Lebedev


Vitaliy Vashedskiy

(майор Бурак)

Vladimir Osin

(Casino Guard)

Aleksandr Tyutin

(Aviation Captain)

Aleksandr Borovikov

(Black Praporshchik)

Valeriy Ivakov

(Black Dischargee)

Yelena Velikanova


Sergey Galkin

(Distribution Station Manager)

Pavel Markin


Olga Prokhvatylo


Oleg Danilov

Eduard Chekmazov

(Two-Headed Policeman)

Viktor Cherepanov

(Officer at Ground)

Vladimir Shikhov

(Officer at Distribution Station)

Marat Ishikeev


Anton Molok

(Daddy's Aide-de-Camp)

Andrey Zashcholkin

(Taxi Driver)

Pyotr Fyodorov


Natalya Khorokhorina

(мама «Пысы»)