Join horror host Malvolia the Queen of Screams as she celebrates this years Halloween Monster Marathon with 5 new tales of terror and the macabre. This Halloween horror anthology from independent horrors best and bloodiest directors is a grab bag of treats you are sure to enjoy.
Anastasia Elfman
Jennifer Nangle
Phyllis Spielman
Bianca Allaine
Matt Block
Lauren Fogle
Jordan Beltz
Sable Griedel
Marissa Sabatucci
Adam Hershberger
Mark Combs
William Davis
Greg Palinkas
Angelina Prendergast
Christopher Hoban
Lexi Breuer
Emily Swenson
R.J. Wagner
Chad Bruns
Gabriel Bulthaup
Tim Novotny
Tania Henderson
Ty Sells
Rhema Srihartiti
Zeke Hanson
Jessica Breuer
Maddox Breuer