An unconventional day in Nicola’s life, which begins at the eye doctor’s and takes him around the city, his eye bandaged like a pirate’s. At home, the bakery or in his analyst’s office, the various stops on his wanderings are part of a much more complex journey however, a tightly-woven fabric in which there is the slightest of snags; a snag which stretches and unravels to finally take on a new shape. It is that awareness of being homosexual, and yet never having accepted it.
Gianmarco Saurino
Angela Curri
Raffaele Braia
Valentina Reggio
Totò Onnis
Angelo Tanzi
Davide Ventola
Sofia Vigliar
Ketty Volpe
Ugo Piva
Vito Napolitano
Magda Merafina
Mirella Caldarone
Valeria Casiero
Nicola Spagnoletti Zeuli
Olga Mascolo
Maria Celeste Cellitto