Ninon is a spirited hotel-manager who teaches self-defense classes to her terrified eldery neighbors. Daiga, an aspiring Lithuanian actress newly arrived to Paris, becomes fascinated with the life of a mysteriously beautiful drag performer.
Yekaterina Golubeva
Richard Courcet
Vincent Dupont
Laurent Grévill
Alex Descas
Irina Grjebina
Line Renaud
Béatrice Dalle
Ira Mandella-Paul
Sophie Simon
Danielle van Bercheycke
Patrick Grandperret
Fabienne Mai
Alice Hurtaux
Antoine Chappey
Francis Lemonnier
Arnaud Carbonnier
Marion Stalens
Manuela Gourary
Didier Flamand
Serge Abattucci
Daniel Isoppo
Jean-Paul Bonnaire
Jean-Quentin Châtelain
Lionel Goldstein
Serge Esposito
Philippe Besson
Philippe Kara-Mohamed
Kamil Tchalaev
Simone Bonte
Jean-Marc Emier
Arlette Havet
Denise Dax
Solveig Dommartin
Muriel Foures
Hilton McConnico
Sohrab Heshmati
Ysé Tran
Hopi Lebel
Gabriel Julien-Laferrière
Thierry Flamand
Madame Petit
Catherine Frot
Jacques Nolot