Drama based on a real-life story of a love affair between a married army captain and a young female soldier. Susan Christie and Duncan McAllister have an affair, but Duncan ends the relationship when he's posted to Germany. Three days later, Susan and Duncan's wife, Penny, go for a walk in the woods in Northern Ireland. Fifteen minutes later, Penny is dead and Susan claims they were attacked by an unknown man.
Simon Shepherd
Jennifer Ehle
Kate Hardie
George Shane
Maggie Shevlin
Gerard Rooney
Martyn Read
Julia Goodman
Guy Manning
Jane Robbins
Alastair Galbraith
Gerard Crossan
Joseph Crilly
Stanley Townsend
Orla Charlton
Mark Lambert
Toby Byrne
Walter McMonagle
Ian McElhinney
James Greene
Doyne Byrd
Colum Gallivan
Donal Cox