Master Tuula Vihervo teaches languages at a women's college, where American-Finnish Charles Thompson Jr arrives to do an inspection on behalf of his father's college donor. The arrival of a guest and Tuula's infatuation causes a stir inside the college and in a restaurant in Helsinki, where Tuula starts performing as the singer Irina Meller.
Birgit Kronström
Tauno Palo
Aino Lohikoski
Leena Häkinen
Kullervo Kalske
Salli Karuna
Aku Korhonen
Leevi Linko
Rauni Luoma
Elina Pohjanpää
Rauha Rentola
Tiina Rinne
Oiva Sala
Heikki Savolainen
Arvi Tuomi
Oke Tuuri
Mailis Vaaja