A story built around the music of Oskar Merikanto, tells the love story of the poor musician Lauri Alanko and the daughter of the rich Grahn family Annina. Annina’s family doesn’t approve of the relationship, and the couple’s happiness is also threatened by Lauri’s worsening eye disease.
Eeva-Kaarina Volanen
Leif Wager
Salli Karuna
Uuno Laakso
Aino Lohikoski
Reino Valkama
Toini Vartiainen
Ekke Hämäläinen
Sirkka Osmala
Heikki Savolainen
Martti Similä
Rauha Puntti
Elli Ylimaa
Ossi Korhonen
Osmo Pöntinen
Paavo Hukkinen
Rauni Luoma
Toivo Lahti
Kaarlo Wilska
Kerttu Salmi
Mai-Brit Heljo
Birger Kortman
Laina Laine
Pirkko Raitio
Emil Vinermo