Fleeing the wrath of man-eating vixens who've taken over the world, a ragtag caravan of refugees makes its way across the country to the relative safety of the West Coast. But en route, they're attacked by unrelenting waves of starving strippers. If looks could kill ... well, let's just hope they can't.
Linnea Quigley
Maren McGuire
Ben Sheppard
Jamison Challeen
Ileana Herrin
Hank Cartwright
Daniel Baldwin
Shel Bailey
Boyd Banks
Brad McCray
Jennifer Loomis
Jessica Jackson
Thom Bray
Areana Cirina
Lilith Eve
Fabian Gordon
Kristen Martz
Lloyd Kaufman
Heather Gardner
Luna Moon
Will Ward
Mick McPartland
Mike McAllister
Joshua Ard
Danielle McCammon
Edward McCammon
Aaron Wilderberg
Arlene East
Stacie Lynn Renna
Tammy Flagg
Sue Gamble
Kathleen Morrow
Mikki Lipsey
Tony Flagg
Steve Granmo
Mary O'Neal
Verna Russel
Adrienne Romine
Allison Hergert
Ami Adams
Brittany Langan
Dahlia Calor
Darcy 'Evollove' McMullen
Dawn A. Manske
Dawn McCall
Emie Otis
Ginger Snap
Heather Kell
Jaqueline Tracy
Jasmine Gnuschke
Jenaya Wallace
Jess Serna
Laura Schuchardt
Laura Wood
Lauren Hudgins
Leah Hunter
Lexie Sunset
Lisa Lillard
Lisa Rife
Marlinda Kelly
Nicole Cook
Scarlet DuPonte
Scarlett Storm
Tana the Tattooed Lady
Shannon Amberg
Vai Vai Voom
Virginia Princeton
Viv Moore
Lili Kawaminami
Rose Davies
Violet Davies
Anne Taylor
Laurel Buckley
Evie Graham
Ashlee Grover
Alyssa Montsenat
Stephanie Young
Adrienne Gallagher
Courtney Gomez
Jillian Skelding
Sally Skelding
Charles Gould
Randy Smith
Dave Newhouse
Computer Fam
DJ Paradox
Mike Wallingford
Ryan Belcher