A Hungarian historical movie that tells the story of the Hungarian ancestors, the seven leaders, who are looking for their new homeland in the last years of the 9th century. Before they leave their original home in Asia, they have a farewell party. They wake up with a severe hangover after consuming large quantities of kumis. The seven leaders wake up to find that their people have disappeared.
Győző Szabó
Károly Gesztesi
János Gyuriska
János Greifenstein
Zoltán Seress
Tibor Szervét
István Hajdu
Zoltán Mucsi
Péter Scherer
Balla Eszter
Gyula Bodrogi
Péter Bozsó
György Bárdy
Ildikó Bánsági
Zoltán Berzsenyi
Sándor Gáspár
Helyey László
Sándor Csányi
Imre Csuja
János Gálvölgyi
Szonja Oroszlán
Ferenc Zenthe
Gábor Reviczky
György Korda
Péter Haumann
Attila Magyar
Anikó Für
Béla Fesztbaum
András Hajós
Claudia Liptai
Csaba Pindroch
Kornél Simon
Edina Ellinger
Józsa Imre
László Csendes
Soma Mamagésa
Nikolett Gallusz
Adél Kováts
Natália Nagy
Géza Balkay
László Fekete