This feature documentary uses animation, archival stills and live-action footage to detail the history of women's participation in the largely male-dominated world of baseball and softball. Zany and affectionate, it features 7-year-olds learning the rules and skills of the game and 50-year-olds hitting home runs, from the early days of the Bloomer Girls to the heyday of the Colorado Silver Bullets.
Jackie Autry
Faye Dancer
Phyliss Gello
Michele Granger
Kristen Guidace
Mamie Johnson
Annabelle Lee
Bill Lee
Karen McBarron
Meghan McCready
Lucy Michaud
Dolly Pearson Tessein
Jackie Pranteau
Sharon Sinclair
Diane Warriner
Kelly Weston
Heather Wright
Lois J. Youngen
Lois Siegel
Dave Van Horne