Ordinary humans led by King Bantayan are being annihilated by the all-powerful evil king Bagulbol and his creatures of the dark. To end their tribulation, mankind’s leaders paid a mercenary with exceptional fighting skills to defend them. That mercenary is Exodus. Nearing their extinction, King Bantayan and the leaders of men dispatched Exodus on a quest to capture five elementals to aid them in the final battle against King Bagulbol.
Ramon 'Bong' Revilla Jr.
Benjie Paras
Aubrey Miles
Iya Villania
BJ Forbes
Paolo Bediones
Mark Gil
Jolo Revilla
Ramon Revilla Sr.
Long Mejia
Phoemela Baranda
Jorge Estregan
Glen Almonte
Boy Roque
Eva Cadelina
Yeyey Yatco
Russel Molina
James Montelibano
D.R. Tolentino
Ramboy Revilla
Minco Fabregas
Bryan Revilla
Ram Revilla
Bobbie Zialcita
Joonee Gamboa
Gene Palomo
Erik Matti