After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the investigation, they need the help of the only survivor, Kate. But first they have to get her released from the mental institution she's been confined to since the horrific attack. Written
Lorenzo Lamas
Priscilla Barnes
Corbin Timbrook
Scott Schwartz
Megan Molloy
Christopher Irwin
Phoebe Dollar
Garrett Clancy
Elizabeth Hayden Smith
David Kalamus
Shilo May
Matt Emery
John Fava
Vic Robey
Steven Worley
Garrett Clancy
Jesse Janzen
Bradden Tenney
Josh Bartolotta
Pamela Kawada
Nicol Reece
Mitch Toles