A sequel to the 1990 cult hit 'Johnny in Monsterland'. This story follows Johnny Talbot's (Jonathan Morrill) search for love and sanity, in a town that provides little of either, Provincetown, Massachusetts. All the while, Johnny is haunted by a rogues gallery of madmen and monsters, including a country lunatic named Bela Stoker, Nosferatu, a Hunchback, and a merman, and a laboratory assistant (all portrayed by David Bishop).
Krishna Berowski
Mark Birnbaum
David Bishop
Jennifer Cabral
Alan Carrier
Melanie Cartwright
Patrick Clarke
Earl DeVries
Kevin Driskel
Maurice Enos
Bruce Estey
Lola Flash
Dougie Freeman
Howie Getman
Steph Gorkii
Fat Jack
Judith Kaufman
Gary Keyes
Jill Kurtz
Ryan Landry
Peter MacInness
Guy Marinello
Lesley Ann Mehit
Brian Morgan
Jonathan Morrill
Lee Musselman
David Osborn
Bob Palmer
Gene Poyant
Erica Rebiewski
Clyde Shelby
Leslie Smith
Stephen Sockol
Andrea X. Tasha
Megan Ellen Temple
Berta Walker
Colleen Wheeler
Suzanne White