After an unpleasant run-in with a group of bikers, a young convenience store robber (Marc) gets approached by the same bikers to help out with a picnic. After the picnic, seeing he has guts, the bikers propose him for membership. As the story unfolds, Marc winds up questioning his own morality and wondering whether he's going down the wrong path. The biggest problem, however, is that one of his friends got him into trouble, and he has little time to fix it...
Dominic Darceuil
David Boutin
Ronald Houle
Jean-Nicolas Verreault
Michel Charette
Deano Clavet
Claudia Hurtubise
Patrick Peuvion
Paul Dion
Michèle Péloquin
André Lacoste
Michael D'Amico
Catherine Trudeau
Sandrine Bisson
Dominic Castelli
Louis Champagne
Marc Côté
Mélanie Delisle
André Doucet
Claude Gai
France Gauthier
Guy Provencher
Pierre Rivard
Catherine Vidal