In this retro '80s style-slasher, a small suburban town is forced to revisit the horror brought upon them by a masked slasher known only as "PrettyFace," when a string of murders continues, having started and suddenly stopped five years prior. The short film was released as a segment in the 2023 horror anthology movie "All Hallows' Eve Trickster."
Vincent Chiaramonte
Lauren-Marie Taylor
Kristiana Tottas
Marygrace Smith
Nick Del Bianco
Isabelle Calpakis
Gregory Calpakis
Deanna Zimmer
Stephanie Trefcer
Annmarie DePinto
Corey Weissman
Jeffrey Caban
Ilia Krisulas
Francesco DePinto
William Seaquist
Eric Villamar
Brody Black
Tiffany Ciena
Vincent DePinto
Michael DeMatteis
Michelle Santiago
Matthew Cohen
Michael Zverina
Arber Jashari
Dominick Muschello
Marvin Zorrilla
Brittany Halili
Vincent Steo