The movie centers on drummer Artimus Pyle's experience as a band member in Lynyrd Skynyrd and the tragically fateful day their rented plane crashed in the swamps of Gillsburg, MS on October 20th, 1977 and took the lives of singer Ronnie Van Zant, guitarist Steve Gaines, his sister backup singer Cassie Gaines, road manager Dean Kilpatrick, and the two pilots. This movie focuses on the hours leading up to the event, the day of, and the aftermath.
Sarah French
Jon Briddell
Sean McNabb
Kelly Lynn Reiter
Krystyna Walters
Alyssa Talbot
Chance Wilder Onody
David Banks
Kari Alison Hodge
Lelia Symington
Kyle Colton
Anthony Traina
Harvey B. Jackson
Kevin M. Horton
Tom Jenkins
Taylor Clift