Atlantis Untold is the story of an unexpected journey by brother and sister Jack and Skye Noble, who are forced by circumstances to try to conquer the opposing forces of an inner world. Decending deeper and deeper into unknown spheres, the two travelers are guided by unexpected forces of light and hindered by relentless forces of darkness, until their struggle brings them to the legendary City of Atlantis.
Matthew David
Kylie Dibben
Aiden Galliver
Charlotte Galliver
Kelly Galliver
Mark Galliver
Philipa Galliver
Queenie Galliver
Alexander Gibbins
Lynda Gibbins
Rose Gibbins
Paige Gibins
Rob Harding
Les Hooker
Danny James
Dean Leunig
Sophia Natziuk
Reid Porter
Chris Rees
Amber Rose
Charles Sheldrake
Lance Stevens
Alan Stojanovic
Joshua Webb
Keirah Ann Werner
James Wilson