The movie follows the comedic adventure of Timmy “TJ” Jackson & Jackie “YoYo” Chan as they embark on a mission to rescue their landlords home from foreclosure. In the process they discover that no one is who they think they are.
Robert R. Johnson
Kent S. Leung
Yvan Cournoyer
Meghan Amelia
Sydney Cochrane
Arden D'hont
Daniel Jeary
Kyle Trudeau
Sajah Malhotra
Bobbie Oben
Andrea Bucko
Aloma Steele
Shauna Hansen
Erin De Roza
Gabrielle O'Neill
Jessica Thompson
Eric Buelow
Jason Asucion
Dustyn Brown
Blake Homes
Tony Giroux
Willy Win
Levi Maden
Kaylee Johnston
Dj Mischieff
Fatima Tajah Olson
Jefferson Mesidor