In five parts, this documentary tells the story of the colonisation of the French Overseas Territories. Slave descendants, coloniser descendants, historians, admirals, rebellious writers and politicians recount a lasting past that keeps on igniting the economic and social relations of these territories even to this day.
Prosper Ève
Serge Letchimy
Gérard Le Bouëdec
Brigitte Nicolas
Martine Acerra
André Lucrèce
Edouard Boulogne
Raphaël Confiant
Gregorio Salinero
Eric Saugera
Frédéric Régent
Raoul Lucas
Élie Domota
François Bellec
Sylviane Llinares
Olivier Laurens
Jean-François Géraud
Jean-Louis Vichot
Olivier de Rohan-Chabot
Yvette Bouquet
Paulette Durizot Jno-Baptiste
Harry Boucard
Christiane Terrier
Jone Passa
Marie Salaün
Frederick Cooper
Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch
Daniel Maximin
François Jacquet-Francillon
Herman Lebovics
Annie Bruter
Eddy Wadrawane
Roger Toumson
Maryse Condé
Léo Elisabeth
Gary Wilder
Pierre Gauvin
Aimé Césaire
Jean-François Niort
Jean-Claude William
Doris Garraway
Laurent Valère
Jacky Dahomay
Alexandre Alaric
Pierre Aliker
Victor Tisserand
Victor Permal
Frantz Fanon
Edouard Glissant
Evelyne Hiet-Guihur
Claude Prudhomme
Jacques Adelaïde-Merlande
Yann Sordet
Philippe Delisle
Frédéric Angleviel
Claire Laux
Louis-José Barbançon
Christophe Sand
Mohammed Ben Kouider
Jean-Pierre Aïfa
Yves Mermoud
Jerry Delathière
Alain Fort
Yaël Bouffenech