Young Setsuko Fujino begins a new job at Tokyo Chemical Company. She likes her boss, Ippei Hitachi, and enjoys serving him tea, despite the fact that her fellow workers think the women employees should not have to act in such a servile manner. When the women go on strike over the issue, Setsuko finds herself caught in the middle. When the heir to the company, Ryosuke Tanabe, proposes marriage to Setsuko, she is honored, but realizes that her real affection is for Hitachi.
Toshirō Mifune
Ineko Arima
Hajime Izu
Mayuri Mokushô
Sumiko Abe
Keiko Sawamura
Masao Shimizu
Sachiko Murase
Daisuke Inoue
Keiko Sawamura
Haruko Sugimura
Ken Mitsuda
Minoru Chiaki
Nobuo Nakamura
Eiko Miyoshi
Hiroshi Shiomi